A. Fill in the correct form of "was" or "were"
A class trip to Jerusalem
Yesterday our class 1. ________ on a trip. It 2. ________ a trip to Jerusalem. At seven o’clock we 3. ________ still at home. Our things 4. ________ ready. At half past seven we 5. ________ at school. All the pupils 6. ________ there. Our teachers 7. ________ there and the buses 8. ________ there, too. At eight o’clock we 9. ________ on the buses on the way to Jerusalem.
We 10.________ in Jerusalem all day. The weather 11. ________ very pleasant. It 12. ________ a long day but it 13. ________ very interesting.
At six o’clock in the evening we 14. ________ back at our school. It 15. ________ a nice class trip.

B. Write Yes/No questions to the following answers
1. Yes, we were in the park on Saturday.
2. No, I wasn’t angry about what she said.
3. No, he wasn’t late this morning.
4. No, the weather was nice yesterday.
5. Yes, I was in the kitchen a minute ago.
6. No, Karen wasn’t sick yesterday.
7. Yes, I was at home last night.
8. Yes, Or was in my class last year.
9. No, Gal was in Israel last year.
10. Yes, Ben was in Haifa a week ago.